Your ultimate satisfaction with Nanoluxe is our goal! Therefore, we gladly accept a return of any item purchased at Nanoluxe website receiving it within 15 days of the delivery dateā€”no questions asked. Please be sure to enclose a copy of your invoice, and the reason for your return. The estimated refund time is 10-15 business Days from the receipt of your return in our warehouse.

To ensure a prompt and secure delivery, we recommend sending your return via Priority U.S. Postal Service (USPS) insured parcel post. We apologize, but return shipping fees are on customers.

All return must be 15% restock fee.

Please send all returns to the attention of:

Nanoluxe – Return Inventory

12841 Aspenwood Lane

Garden Grove, CA 92840

Attn: Return Department / Cust. Serv.

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